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Members' Pages


For Beginners and New Collectors

Annual General Meeting 2024 (September/October on Zoom)

The committee is short of a few members and we would welcome volunteers to help share the work. Please contact the Secretary if you are interested.

Displays for the AGM, which will be held on Zoom, are requested. They can be large or small and cover any period of time. Again, please contact the Secretary.

Exchange Packet
The first Exchange Packet for 2024 is about to be circulated (May 2024). The packet can only be sent to paid-up members in the UK for insurance reasons, but any member can make up a booklet for sale. Please contact George Humphreys or the secretary if you can do this or would like to join the circuit to buy the items offered.

50 baht definitive 2010

EuroPhilEx 2025 Stamp Exhibition, Birmingham, UK

This is a major event. It runs from 7th to 11th May 2025. It is supported by FEPA and members may wish to enter competitive exhibits. The Thailand Philatelic Society could have a presence there if sufficient volunteers come forward. What do members think?

If you want to go, take a look at the website - Europhilex 2025.